Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

Capturing Magic: My Most Cherished Photo from Alaska

Every photographer has those fleeting moments where the heart races with a mix of excitement and fear—fear of missing the shot. For me, one of these defining moments was captured during a recent seven-day Alaskan cruise with my wife. Among glaciers, rainforests, and majestic marine life, the most memorable image was an unexpected one: a fishing boat trailed by a flock of seagulls.

This photograph came to life from the balcony of our room. As we cruised through a narrow canal, I glanced out to see this simple yet stirring scene. The boat, a mere silhouette against the setting sun, was complemented by the birds in flight. Time was of the essence; our cruise ship was swiftly moving past this serene tableau. There was no opportunity to change my position or carefully compose the shot. It was now or never.

The conditions were magical. The sunset cast a golden glow that illuminated the birds, creating a vivid contrast against the darkening sky. It was one of those rare moments in photography that feel like a perfect swing in golf or a flawless play in basketball. I was completely in the zone, and the excitement was palpable. I knew I had captured something special, even before I saw the final image.

Eager to see the result, I immediately transferred the photo to my phone for a quick edit. However, the JPEG file didn't do it justice. It wasn’t until the next day, when I had access to the raw files, that I truly appreciated what I had captured. This image was the first I chose to edit in detail while still on the cruise.

Interestingly, this might not be the most breathtaking photo I took on that trip, nor the most dramatic. Yet, it is my favorite. It represents what I cherish about photography: we shoot for ourselves, for our own satisfaction and joy. This image is a testament to that—it’s not about the acclaim or the number of likes. It’s about creating something that makes you proud, something that resonates with your own experiences and emotions.

I often reflect on this image and feel a deep sense of fulfillment. It’s a reminder of why I pursue photography—not for the accolades, but for these moments of pure, unscripted magic. It’s about the journey, the countless hours and the dedication that lead to these fleeting opportunities to capture something truly special. I hope every photographer experiences this thrill at least once, where everything aligns perfectly, and you know you’ve nailed it. This is the essence of photography, and it’s why I continue to be passionate about this craft.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

How Daily Photography Enhances Vision and Connection

I stumbled upon a YouTube video debating the necessity of a daily carry camera for photographers. Initially, it irked me, but it sparked a realization. For the past 2-3 years, my Ricoh GR 3X, unassumingly compact and pocket-friendly, has been my constant companion. Yes, there are spaces where cameras are a no-go, but largely, it's been an inseparable part of my daily life, often resting in my car for extended periods.

Today, I want to share three profound lessons this daily practice has taught me.

1. Enhanced Photographic Vision

This might sound a bit outlandish, but carrying my camera daily has genuinely sharpened my photographic vision. It's not necessarily about snapping more or superior photos. It's about seeing the world through a photographer's lens – training my eyes to notice the unnoticed. It's a shift in perspective; I'm more present, absorbing my surroundings, ready to capture intriguing moments. The camera, though often idle, keeps my vision aligned and observant.

2. More Meaningful Photographs

Carrying a camera every day leads to more poignant captures. It's not about the quantity but the quality of the images. Each photograph is a moment of presence, a conscious connection to my surroundings. This daily practice isn't just about taking pictures; it's about seeing potential frames in everyday life. It aligns with the principle that mastery requires hours of dedication – my 10,000 hours are accumulating passively, refining my craft and enabling me to produce more significant and impactful images.

3. Unity with My Camera

Carrying the Ricoh GR3x incessantly has led to an almost spiritual connection with it. I'm attuned to its capabilities, familiar with every button and function. This intimacy isn't about the camera being a mere tool; it's about knowing it like an extension of my own body. In photography, moments are fleeting. A fumble with settings can mean a missed opportunity. Mastery of my equipment means I can confidently and swiftly capture the essence of a moment, be it a child's first step or a rare wildlife sighting.

I advocate not for splurging on the latest gear but for making the most of what you have – even if it's just your phone. Familiarity breeds preparedness, ensuring that when pivotal moments arise, you're ready, not fumbling in unfamiliarity. My advice? Carry your camera regularly. Explore its features, experiment with settings. This practice doesn't just prepare you for the exceptional; it transforms your everyday vision into an ongoing photographic journey.

To everyone out there, let these insights inspire you to carry your camera more often. Let it be your companion, your teacher, and your window to a world seen through the unique lens of your experiences and creativity.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

My Ode to the Fujifilm XF10: Compact, Capable, and Cherished

In the world of ever-evolving camera technology, it's a bold statement to declare the Fujifilm XF10, a 2018 release, as the best camera purchase I've ever made. Yes, it might lack modern features like a flip-up screen, an advanced touchscreen, or advanced tracking capabilities, but this camera holds a special place in my heart and my photography journey.

Let me take you back to four years ago when I first stumbled upon the XF10. It was the striking Fujifilm straight-out-of-camera JPEGs on Instagram and Flickr that caught my attention. Their quality was undeniable, and this was well before the current photography boom. Admittedly, I was skeptical in the initial days after the purchase, but over time, this camera proved its worth in countless ways.

The XF10's appeal lies in its simplicity and efficiency. Its compact size is a game-changer. I can easily slip it into any pocket, eliminating the need for a bulky camera bag. This discreetness often works to my advantage, as most people mistake it for a point-and-shoot or even a film camera, allowing me to capture candid moments unobtrusively.

Despite some limitations, like the slow autofocus and lack of image stabilization, which can be challenging in low-light conditions, the XF10 has its strengths. The 18 mm lens, equivalent to a 27mm full-frame lens, is perfect for everyday shots, from landscapes to close-ups. The lens's sharpness, coupled with the camera's impressive color rendition, never fails to impress.

I've come to view the XF10 as my 'digital film camera.' It encourages me to slow down and be more intentional with my shots, emulating the film photography experience. While it's not the same as shooting actual film, the Fujifilm color science delivers a close approximation of that classic film look straight from the camera.

My experience with the XF10 has been immensely rewarding. It's been there for the small, everyday moments as well as the significant ones, capturing memories of family, pets, and various adventures. There's a certain magic in these images that I just can't replicate with a smartphone.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

Dog Walking & Photos

Today, the Pacific Northwest gifted me with perfect conditions for a photography excursion after weeks of gloom. With my camera bag slung over my shoulder and my faithful dog by my side, I set out to capture the essence of this gray yet dry day. Despite my attempt to travel light with just my Fujifilm X-T5. However I couldn’t resist bring the Ricoh GR3X, and Fujifilm XF10, my penchant for multiple cameras prevailed—each one a tool for weaving unique narratives.

Strolling through the familiar woods, I witnessed the subtle transformation of spring awakening, turning the landscape into a captivating tapestry. These solitary adventures with my dog are precious moments of introspection, allowing me to connect with nature on my terms. Photography, beyond mere imagery, serves as my therapy, offering a sanctuary to clear my mind and find solace in the simple beauty around me. As I reflect on today's journey, I'm reminded that the essence of photography lies not in the pursuit of perfection but in the appreciation of fleeting moments and the exploration of life's unfolding stories.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

The Power of Photography in Documenting Life


As I reflect on my journey with photography, I've come to realize it's far more than just capturing visually appealing scenes. It's a profound way of documenting our lives, a method of freezing moments in time that become immortal. For me, photography is a sacred act of preserving memories, ones that fade away in the blink of an eye, and of keeping the essence of our loved ones alive, even after they've passed on. As the designated documentarian of my family and extended relatives, I feel a deep sense of responsibility. These images are not just snapshots; they are future heritage, destined to outlive us and tell stories long after we're gone.

One of the most poignant examples I have is a photograph of my paternal grandfather. It's especially meaningful because it's the only visual connection I have to him. I never had the chance to meet him, to hear his voice, or to observe the little details like the way he walked or his expressions. But in this single black and white photo, where he's smiling at the camera, I find an indescribable bond. I often wonder about his skin tone, lost in the grayscale, yet this image holds a special place in my heart. It's a link to someone I never knew, yet without whom I wouldn't exist.

This photograph inspires me to capture the essence of life around me – be it the mundane moments or the significant milestones like birthdays, anniversaries, and family vacations. I aim to create a visual legacy so that someone, perhaps a grandchild or even a great-great-grandchild, can feel a connection to us and understand the life we led before they arrived.

My approach to photography is not about staging perfect shots; it's about authenticity. I'm not one to direct people to 'say cheese' or pose unnaturally. Instead, I strive to provide a genuine glimpse of our lives, capturing the real emotions and ambiance of the moment. For me, the camera is more than a hobby or a source of enjoyment. It's a powerful tool for preservation, a means to immortalize the people who've left us, the beloved pets we've lost, and the precious moments we've shared. Through my lens, I not only preserve the present but also craft a timeless narrative for future generations.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

The Creative Power of Smartphone Photography

iPhone 14 Pro

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about smartphone photography. Is it real photography? Absolutely! The debate is all over the internet, from YouTube videos to photography forums. Some argue that photography is only legitimate when you're using a full-frame, APS-C camera, or micro four-thirds. But that's a narrow view, in my opinion.

Photography is an art form, and it's not confined to the type of camera you use. Whether you're shooting with a $3,000 mirrorless camera or capturing moments on a $1,500 smartphone, you're still creating art. The process remains fundamentally creative, regardless of your equipment.

Speaking from personal experience, I've used a variety of smartphones over the years. Currently, I’m using an iPhone 14 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. And let me tell you, they have some of the best cameras I've ever used on a phone. I'm not hung up on the megapixel count. What blows me away is their versatility – from macro to zoom shots, all in one tiny device.

The real game changer here is the convenience. Remember the old days? Taking pictures, transferring them to Lightroom, tweaking in Photoshop, and finally uploading them? With my smartphone, I can do it all in a snap – shoot, edit, and share, right from one device. It’s a huge leap from the past!

And it's not just about me. Take my wife, for example. She documents our family vacations beautifully. But would she lug around a mirrorless camera and a bag of lenses? Never. She's not the type to shoot, import to Lightroom, edit in Photoshop, and stitch photos for panoramas. But with her iPhone? She’s capturing all sorts of images and videos, sharing them instantly with friends and family. It’s effortless.

So, to all the "real photographers" who scoff at smartphone photography, I say it's time to rethink. Photography isn't just about the gear; it's about the vision, the moment, and the story. And smartphones? They're a fantastic tool for telling those stories. Let's embrace all forms of photography and the unique perspectives they bring.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

Capturing Moments, Not Gear

Photo by Jeff Hopper on Unsplash

I recently had a bit of a revelation about photography and wanted to share it with you. Recently, I was listening to an episode of This Week In PHOTO, where Joe Edelman described certain enthusiasts not as photographers, but as "gearographers." This hit home for me, and I bet it rings true for many of you too. We spend hours on YouTube and blogs, digesting every detail about the latest gear - be it lenses, camera bodies, or even filters and flashes. And while there's nothing inherently wrong in being a gear enthusiast, I realized there's a clear difference between collecting gear and using it to create art.

As photographers, our mission should be to capture the world around us, not just collect tools. The beauty of photography is in its practice, not just in the gear we possess. It's so easy to fall into the trap of believing that better gear or exotic locations are essential for great photos. Yet, some of my most cherished images were taken within 50 miles of my home. These local adventures have taught me that the true essence of photography lies in seeing and capturing the everyday world in extraordinary ways.

This year, I'm making a commitment to myself: to shift my focus from acquiring gear to mastering the art of photography. Sure, I might still indulge in a new piece of equipment here and there, but my primary goal is to enhance my skills. I want to explore different perspectives, play with depth of field, and even experiment with Photoshop techniques like focus stacking.

For those of you embarking on your photography journey or looking to deepen your practice, remember that the most important step is to get out there and shoot. Experience is the best teacher. So, let’s put down our phones, step away from the endless gear reviews, and embrace the world through our lenses. Let's capture the beauty of the mundane and the splendor of the familiar. That's what makes us photographers, not just gear collectors. Let’s make this year about creating, learning, and growing in our art.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

Back in Focus: Rediscovering My Photography Passion

After a break from creating videos, I'm back to share my journey with you all. I initially started this channel to indulge in the joy of photography, but as the focus shifted towards memberships and sessions, I lost touch with that simple pleasure. So, I took a step back, and what a change it has been! I've been snapping away, with my picture count soaring from 40 in January to over 500 in March, thanks to my new Fujifilm X T5 and other beloved cameras like the Ricoh GR3x and Sony A7ii. Plus, our new puppy has become a delightful muse, filling my camera roll with joy and energy.

My journey hasn't just been about photography. I ventured out of my comfort zone with an improv class, embracing the sheer fun of it, much like my approach to photography. This year's theme for me is about trying new things and pushing boundaries, which has led me to train for a half-marathon. Moreover, I've rekindled my love for writing, simplifying my website to focus on blogging about my photography adventures and thoughts. This process feels like creating my own magazine articles, where I discuss everything from camera reviews to the rejuvenation of photography in spring. It's not about numbers or sponsorships; it's about the love for the craft.

I'm grateful for the continuous support, which inspires me to share my experiences on my channel and website, aiming for regular posts but realistically expecting updates twice a month. I've also embraced the Glass community for photo sharing, stepping away from mainstream social media. This journey is more than just my personal exploration; it's an invitation for everyone to find joy in photography, whether in your backyard or beyond. Your support means the world, not just to me, but also to our adorable new puppy! So, stay tuned for more stories, tips, and inspiration as we all enjoy this photographic adventure together.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

Spring Photography Adventures

Spring is a season of vibrant transformation, especially here in the Pacific Northwest. As the landscape awakens, I find myself eagerly venturing outdoors, camera in hand, to capture the stunning blooms and the general shift that envelops our region. This year, my photography journey is particularly exciting as I explore with a curated selection of gear that enhances my creative expression.

My current go-to cameras are the Fujifilm XT-5 and the Ricoh GR 3X. This duo has proven to be exceptionally versatile for all my photography needs. The Fujifilm XT-5, paired with the 16-80mm F4.0, offers stunning portrait and close-up shots of nature's beauty. It's my choice for capturing the intricate details of spring flowers and the subtle changes in the environment.

As a hobbyist, I cherish the freedom and simplicity of my photography. There's no pressure of client expectations or the need for large prints. This season, I've decided to lighten my camera load significantly, focusing on enjoying the process rather than being weighed down by equipment. With my current setup, I find that I'm more engaged in the creative flow, spontaneously capturing the beauty around me.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

FujiFilm X-T5 First Impressions

This past week marks a pivotal moment in my photography journey – I've had the joy of embracing the Fujifilm X-T5 as my new everyday carry camera. And let me tell you, it's been an absolute blast.

For years, my trusty Sony A7R2 had been my go-to camera. It's the one that revolutionized my approach to photography, a true game-changer that rarely left my side. But as much as I adored it, and my Sony A6400, their reliance on RAW files often felt cumbersome. Shooting in JPEG with these cameras just didn't cut it. That's where the Fujifilm XF10 and Ricoh GR3X stepped in, transforming how I approached photography on a personal level. Suddenly, the hassle of editing RAW files for personal projects seemed unnecessary, and frankly, it dampened my enthusiasm for capturing everyday moments.

The Fujifilm X-T5, however, reignited that spark. Opting to shoot in JPEG has streamlined my workflow remarkably. No longer burdened by the need to extensively edit each photo, I've found myself more eager to take this camera everywhere, capturing life's spontaneous and precious moments. And what's fantastic is the ease with which I can transfer these pictures to my phone and share them with loved ones. The JPEGs are so impressive straight out of the camera that they require little to no tweaking.

What truly astounds me about the X-T5 is the quality that emanates from its 40-megapixel sensor. Paired with the Fujinon 16-80mm f4.0 and the compact 27mm F2.8 lens (a 40mm full-frame equivalent, much like the GRX), this camera is a powerhouse. I'm still in awe of the image quality, especially when I bring them into Lightroom. And cropping? A breeze! Unlike with my previous APC cameras, where I hesitated to crop for fear of losing detail, the X-T5 lets me crop without sacrificing image quality.

Now, I'm contemplating my next steps regarding lenses. I'm torn between sticking to prime lenses or expanding into the world of zoom lenses. Particularly tempting is the 50-140mm F2.8 – perfect for travel or capturing my kids' baseball games with that lovely, soft background and sharp subject focus. And let's not forget the 18-300mm optionfrom Tamron. They have never disappointed me with their lenses, and having that zoom range would make the X-T5 an ideal travel companion.

As I continue to explore and familiarize myself with the Fujifilm X-T5, my excitement only grows. This camera isn't just a tool for me; it's a companion on my journey to capture the beauty and spontaneity of everyday life. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me next, and I'm eager to share my experiences and discoveries with all of you.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

My Return to the World of Photography

In the world of art and expression, few mediums are as intimate and powerful as photography. It’s a craft that has always been close to my heart, a way to capture the essence of a moment, to tell a story without words. But recently, I've hit a roadblock. For the last few months, my cameras have been gathering dust, untouched and unused. I couldn't pinpoint why, but the urge to capture meaningful images seemed to have vanished, leaving me in a state of creative limbo.

Rediscovering the Passion

This disconnection from my cameras wasn't something I had anticipated. Photography, for me, had always been akin to a reflex, an inherent part of my daily life. Yet, there I was, finding myself more often than not leaving the house without my trusted companions - my DSLR and mirrorless cameras. All I had were my iPhone and Samsung S22 Ultra, which I used for casual snapshots, but the deep engagement with photography seemed lost.

It reminded me of how skills can rust if not regularly honed, similar to how muscles atrophy without exercise or how a song can slip away from a singer’s memory. But photography, like any art form, is also about the rhythm of practice and the joy of rediscovery. Just as a cyclist never really forgets how to ride, I knew deep down that the essence of photography was still within me, waiting to be reawakened.

The Power of Observation

The turning point came when I started carrying my Ricoh Gr3x with me again. It was a subtle change in routine, but its impact was profound. This camera, compact yet capable, became my lens to view the world, quite literally. With it in hand, the mundane started transforming into scenes brimming with potential stories.

I began noticing details I had previously overlooked. The way tiny droplets of water clung precariously to the tips of green leaves, shimmering like jewels in the morning sun. The determination in the stride of a lady pushing a stroller down the sidewalk, is a moment of everyday struggle and love. Even the faded, worn-out parking lines in an old lot, each mark telling a story of countless vehicles that had come and gone, became subjects of interest. These observations, though seemingly trivial, rekindled a sense of wonder within me.

I realized that photography isn't just about capturing a perfect image; it's about seeing, truly seeing. It's about finding beauty and narratives in the ordinary, about understanding that every aspect of our surroundings can become a masterpiece if viewed through the right lens.

Lessons from Kobe Bryant

This journey of rediscovery also reminded me of a powerful lesson I once heard from Kobe Bryant. He advised a group of aspiring basketball players that the greatest discipline is to do the challenging things, especially when you least feel like doing them. This resonated with my experience in photography. For me, it translated to carrying my camera everywhere and taking thousands of imperfect pictures. It wasn't about each photo being a masterpiece, but about being ready and willing to capture the moment when it arrives.

The Importance of Practice and Preparedness

The journey back into the world of photography has been a reminder of a fundamental truth: the essence of good photography lies in being prepared. It's about having the camera ready, not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. This readiness isn't just about technical skill; it's about being in tune with the environment and anticipating those fleeting moments that make for a great photograph.

Through regular practice, I've relearned the importance of patience and persistence. Capturing the 'decisive moment', as the legendary photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson termed it, isn't just a matter of luck. It's the result of countless hours spent understanding light, composition, and most importantly, life as it unfolds in its myriad forms. Every shot I take, no matter how imperfect, is a step towards refining my craft, towards being better prepared for when that perfect moment presents itself.

Encouragement to Readers

To those of you who, like me, might have found your cameras collecting dust, or your passion for photography waning, I encourage you to take a small step. Carry your camera with you, be it a sophisticated DSLR, a compact point-and-shoot, or even your smartphone with a keen eye for detail. You'll start to see the world differently, noticing nuances and stories you might have missed before. Keep a camera in your car, your backpack, or your daily bag. Let it be an extension of your vision. The world is full of beauty and intrigue, waiting to be captured through your lens.

In conclusion, my journey back to photography has been more than just about taking pictures. It has been a journey of reawakening a passion, of learning to see the beauty in the ordinary, and understanding the discipline required to capture it. Whether it's photography or any other passion you've drifted away from, I hope my experience inspires you to pick up where you left off. Remember, it's never too late to rediscover a lost love or to see the world through a new lens.

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Review Kwame Johnson Review Kwame Johnson

Why Every iPhone Photographer Needs the Adonit Dash 4 Pen Input

Today, I have a game-changer gadget to introduce that will immensely enhance your photo editing skills right from your iPhone - presenting the Adonit Dash 4 Pen.

Why Choose a Stylus for iPhone Photo Editing?

With the ever-evolving iPhone cameras empowering us to take professional-grade photos, editing these visuals to perfection is the next big step. While iPhones have always delivered a seamless experience, the lack of stylus support had been a significant gap - until now.

Many of us have found editing photos with our fingers quite limiting, and frankly, a bit irritating. The fine precision and control a stylus offers make photo editing much easier and more enjoyable.

And that’s where the Adonit Dash 4 pen steps in to bridge this gap, turning your iPhone into a powerhouse for editing photos, akin to a Samsung Galaxy S22 or even a high-end iPad.

Introducing the Adonit Dash 4 Pen: A Photographer's Delight

I've recently gotten my hands on this little marvel and I must say, it’s every hobbyist photographer's dream come true. The Adonit Dash 4 pen has made editing pictures on my iPhone not only simpler but also quite accurate, especially when compared to using my fingers.

What’s exciting about this pen is that it can work with a plethora of devices, including iPads and Android devices. So if you’re someone who doesn’t want to carry multiple devices or has lost your Apple Pencil, this pen acts as a universal solution, offering flexibility and convenience on the go.

Now, let’s dive a bit deeper into the features and why this could be your next favorite gadget.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Versatile Compatibility: Whether you own an iPhone 14 Pro like mine or any other version, this pen effortlessly integrates, allowing for fine photo edits with precision.

  2. Ease of Use: The Adonit Dash 4 comes with two modes – green and blue, catering to both non-M1 and M1 devices respectively, offering wider compatibility options.

  3. Swift Navigation: Apart from editing, this stylus also facilitates smooth navigation through your phone, enhancing the overall user experience.

  4. Portable Charging: The pen houses a magnetized charging piece that can easily attach to USB sockets, making the charging process quite straightforward.

A Few Drawbacks to Note

Despite its impressive features, the pen comes with a couple of shortcomings:

  • The hard tip of the pen tends to make noise on the glass surface.

  • It comes with a proprietary charger, meaning losing it necessitates purchasing a new one.

Concluding Thoughts

In a nutshell, the Adonit Dash 4 pen has significantly upped my iPhone photo editing game. It might not replace the feel of an S Pen or offer features like tilt sensitivity, but for hobbyist photographers looking to make quick, precise edits on their iPhones, it's nothing short of a boon.

I genuinely recommend giving it a try if, like me, you prefer editing with a stylus rather than your finger. Check out the product here (link to Amazon) and don't forget to catch all these features in action in the accompanying video!

If you’ve found this review helpful, don’t forget to give a thumbs up and subscribe for more content like this. Until next time, happy editing!

Note: This is not a sponsored post. The product was purchased independently, and the opinions expressed here are solely my own.

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Field Guide Kwame Johnson Field Guide Kwame Johnson

My Glass Photo App Update: The Refreshing, No Nonsense App for True Photography Enthusiasts

In this episode, I delve into the refreshing world of Glass - a haven for every photography enthusiast out there. If you're tired of the commercialization and algorithms dictating your photo-sharing experience on other platforms, then Glass might just be your next favorite spot.

💸 Save on Your Glass Subscription

I'm thrilled to share an exclusive referral code with you, which can save you $10 on your first-year subscription to Glass! Remember, I'm not gaining anything from this, but rather looking forward to connecting with you and fostering a supportive photography community.

🔗 Link:

👁️ Join Me in a Month-Long Photo Sharing Journey

I'm setting out on a challenge to share a photo daily on Glass for the next month, diving back into the beautiful practice of sharing and enjoying photography. I invite you to witness this journey and perhaps, join me in rediscovering the sheer joy that comes from sharing photos without any strings attached.

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Review Kwame Johnson Review Kwame Johnson

Is The Samsung Galaxy S8 Worth It In 2023 For Photographers?

My Personal Journey: Why the Samsung Galaxy S Tab 8 is the Ultimate Tool for Hobbyist Photographers on the Move.

Gone are the days when brilliant photography was limited to bulky equipment and professionals. As a passionate hobbyist photographer, I was on the hunt for something portable yet powerful. That’s when I stumbled upon the Samsung Galaxy S Tab 8 – my trusted companion on my recent adventures in London and France.

Expandable Storage: A Lifesaver when traveling.

I can't stress enough about the importance of storage, especially while traveling. I was in London, then France, for two weeks, capturing every moment without worrying about the dreaded "Storage Full" pop-up.

With the Galaxy Tab S8’s expandable storage, I added a 256gb memory card, keeping my internal storage free. This not only ensured the smooth running of the Tab S8 but also meant I could store hundreds of high-res images and many 4K videos without a hitch.

DeX Mode: Turning Cafés into Editing Studios

DeX mode was a game changer for me during my travels. After a day of sightseeing, I'd pop into a café, switch to DeX mode, and it was as if I had a powerful computer right in front of me.

One of my go-to apps, Lightroom, runs flawlessly on the Tab S8, whether in tablet mode or DeX mode. Editing photos, playing with colors, and enhancing details became a breeze, turning my captured moments into polished memories.

Unbeatable Value: Quality on a Budget

Being a hobbyist photographer means balancing passion with budget. While traveling, every penny counts. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8, with its reasonable price point, was the best decision I made before my trip. Not only was it less heavy on the wallet compared to an iPad Pro, but the added value of expandable storage ensured that I never had to worry about performance hitches or running out of space.

For those like me, hobbyist photographers craving the perfect blend of mobility, performance, and value, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 stands tall. It's more than just a tablet; it's a window to creativity, adventure, and endless possibilities. After my two weeks in London and France, I can confidently say it's the best travel companion a photographer can ask for.

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Field Guide Kwame Johnson Field Guide Kwame Johnson

Traveling Light: Minimalist Photography Gear for London & Paris

On this trip, I opted for the least amount of camera gear I've ever traveled with. Yes, you heard that right! My aim was to keep it as simple as possible, ensuring I was present in the moments, especially with my family. You can see a handful of pictures at the end of this blog post.

Why Minimal Gear?

Primarily, my destinations were urban – London and Paris. I knew I wasn't going to be zooming into distant landmarks. My focus? Capturing memories of my wife, and son, a bit of the picturesque cities, and indulging in some street photography.

The Gear Breakdown

  1. Bags: The nifty Tom Tuck five-liter bag was my main companion in London, accommodating my essential gear and even my wallet. Meanwhile, in Paris, where the concern of pickpockets looms, my three-liter bag from PGY tech came in handy.

  2. Cameras: Breaking tradition, I left my Sony cameras and drones at home, relying instead on my iPhone 14 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. These phones were a game-changer, with the iPhone's Portrait mode bringing out the best in family snaps, and the Samsung phone excelling in zoom shots.

    However, the real star was the Ricoh GR iiix. This lightweight camera was a gem for street photography. Holding it made me blend seamlessly into the crowd, unnoticed, and let me capture candid moments. The only slight drawback? It sometimes felt too close for the streets. This made me wish I had my Fujifilm camera or perhaps a regular GR iii for a wider shot.

  3. Other Devices: My Samsung Tab S8 was an unexpected hero. Transferring photos was a breeze, and with dex mode, it pretty much turned into a Chromebook! Although I carried my MacBook Air, it never saw the light of day – a testament to how efficient the Samsung tab was.

Apps & Editing

While the stock camera apps on both phones served me well for captures, most of my editing was done on Lightroom. Occasionally, I also used Google Photos, especially marveling at its Magic erase tool. The latter would conveniently suggest unnecessary elements that could be removed with a simple click!

Traveling Light: The Key Takeaway

This trip reinforced a valuable lesson: Sometimes, less is more. As we grow, the desire for our tools to just work becomes paramount. For family vacations, a minimal setup like the Ricoh GR iiix is perfect, even though I adore my professional cameras. The crucial aspect is the memory itself, rather than the specific device used to record it.

Looking ahead, I'm eager to share more insights, especially on how Lightroom seamlessly tied all my devices together. But that's a story for another day.

If you are traveling with your family, especially with kids, and want to capture high-quality photos while keeping your gear to a minimum, remember to strike the right balance and use the appropriate tools. And as we cherish these memories years down the line, it won't matter if they were shot using an expensive camera or a smartphone. The emotion and the story behind each picture are what truly counts.

Until next time, keep traveling, keep capturing, and keep sharing those heartwarming stories! Safe travels!

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Review Kwame Johnson Review Kwame Johnson

Why the S22 Ultra is My New Favorite Tool for Photography Creation

In this video I dive deep into the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra's capabilities. Spoiler alert: It's a game-changer in my mobile photography journey, replacing me buying iPad Mini and streamlining my editing process. From snapping crisp images to editing on-the-go using the stylus, this is the ultimate device for content creators like me. Whether you're a Samsung fan, an Apple aficionado, or just curious about mobile photography, this review's got something for everyone. Join the conversation below and let's chat about your favorite mobile tools for photography!

Buy it here - Samsung S22 Ultra

See my initial review here.

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Field Guide Kwame Johnson Field Guide Kwame Johnson

Exploring the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra: Is it the Ultimate Phablet?

today I want to discuss my decision to purchase the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra over the iPad Mini. The iPad Mini was initially attractive for its portability and potential as a photo and video editing tool. But I found the limited storage capacity, average picture quality, and additional cost of an Apple Pencil to be major drawbacks.

After some research, I landed on the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, a robust Android device that won me over with its impressive camera system, integrated stylus, and ample screen size for editing. I bought a refurbished model from Amazon, which was not only cost-effective but also covered by a 90-day return policy. I also got the S Pen Pro, an excellent alternative to the Apple Pencil, but with more device compatibility.

The compact size, superior camera system, and the ability to directly import pictures into Lightroom using a USB C reader made the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra a perfect fit for my on-the-go editing needs. The quality of the screen also made it my preferred choice for watching videos, even those captured on my iPhone.

Despite my strong ties with Apple's ecosystem, the features and performance of the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra have made me consider Android tablets more seriously. This device, serving as a multi-purpose tool, has expanded my perception of Android devices and has proven to be an excellent purchase for my needs.

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Field Trip Kwame Johnson Field Trip Kwame Johnson

A Day at Bellevue Botanical Gardens | | iPhone 14 Pro and Ricoh GR3x Photography

Today, I found myself amidst the serene landscapes of the Botanical Gardens here in Bellevue, Washington. My purpose was simple: to stretch my legs, shake off the everyday monotony, and get a little creative with my trusty iPhone 14 Pro and my ever-reliable Ricoh GR3x.

What I particularly appreciate about the Ricoh cameras is their versatility. They allow me not only to take regular pictures but also to capture close-up shots, which came in handy in the heart of the Botanical Gardens. This isn’t my first visit here, but the full bloom that greeted me today was a mesmerizing sight.

There's something uniquely fascinating about nature at the cusp of bloom. Observing the colors of a flower right before it blossoms, and then the subsequent explosion of life as it opens, fills me with a peculiar sense of awe. Being here amidst this blossoming paradise is a refreshing break from the endless work I've been doing behind the computer.

In an attempt to challenge myself, I chose to venture out today without my macro lens. Though I found myself missing it, I believe in the spontaneity of photography. The joy of not planning too much, of simply letting the process guide me, always leads to intriguing discoveries.

Every year around this time, I feel the urge to update my gear, be it a new lens, a tripod, or a camera body. But this year, I find myself pretty satisfied with my existing setup. I have the Sony A7 2 for landscape and macro shots, the Ricoh GR3x for versatility, and the iPhone 14 Pro, which offers an excellent wide-angle camera. Coupled with my Sony A 6100, which I currently use as a webcam, I couldn't ask for a better lineup.

This visit to the Bellevue Botanical Gardens reminds me once again why I love what I do - capturing the world through my lens, immersing myself in nature, and challenging my creative boundaries. Even without a clear plan in mind, every outing offers an opportunity to create something new, something beautiful.

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Field Guide Kwame Johnson Field Guide Kwame Johnson

The Two Types of Photographers: Embracing the Art of Photographing and Loving Photographs

I recently stumbled upon an interesting concept that really resonated with me, and I wanted to share it with all of you. The idea comes from my favorite photographer, Jay Maisel, who mentioned in a Scott Kelby interview that there are two types of photographers: those who love photographing and those who love photographs. Today, I want to dive deeper into this idea and discuss how our preferences can ebb and flow as we journey through the world of photography.

The Thrill of the Hunt

For some photographers, the excitement lies in the process of capturing images. They enjoy exploring their surroundings with their camera, always on the lookout for the perfect moment. Whether it's a stunning sunrise after an early morning hike or patiently waiting for wildlife to appear, these photographers revel in the act of photographing itself.

Reliving the Moment Through Photographs

On the other hand, there are photographers who find joy in examining, editing, and appreciating their images after they've been captured. These individuals often cherish the memories and emotions associated with each photograph, as well as the effort it took to create them. For them, photography is about capturing a moment in time and reliving it through their images.

My Personal Journey

As I've grown in my photography journey, I've found myself shifting between these two perspectives. Right now, I'm all about the thrill of the hunt. I love going out with my camera and discovering new scenes and moments. It's an exciting adventure where I have no expectations, and I'm okay with that.

However, I've also experienced the satisfaction of immersing myself in the editing process, fine-tuning my images, and extracting every last detail. I've experimented with shooting raw images to get the most data possible and played around with different editing styles as my preferences have evolved over time.

Finding Your Balance

The beauty of photography is that it's not a zero-sum game. We can embrace both aspects or focus on one, depending on our current interests and needs. If you find yourself feeling stuck or frustrated, take a step back and assess what truly brings you joy in photography. It's okay to shift your focus and allow your passions to guide your creative process.

Seeking Inspiration

If you're ever feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to explore photography books from famous and not-so-famous photographers. These can be a fantastic source of inspiration, sparking new ideas and motivating you to experiment with your own photography.

Share Your Thoughts

I'd love to hear from you! Which type of photographer are you? Do you prefer the act of photographing, or do you cherish the photographs themselves? Remember, there's no right or wrong answer; it's all about finding what resonates with you.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the two types of photographers. If you haven't already, consider subscribing to my monthly newsletter, Focal Point, for photography techniques, tips, and inspiration sent straight to your inbox.

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Kwame Johnson Kwame Johnson

My Mobile Photography Everyday Carry Kit: Capture Life's Moments on the Go

Today, I wanted to share with you my updated everyday carry kit for mobile photography. With the right gear, you can be prepared to capture stunning photos, no matter where your adventures take you.

1. iPhone 14 Pro - My Main Camera

The iPhone 14 Pro has become my go-to camera for everyday photography. With its 48MP main camera, wide-angle lens, and telephoto capabilities, it has significantly improved my overall photography experience. While I mostly shoot JPEG, the camera produces stunning images, and I especially love using the wide-angle lens for capturing more of the scene. Additionally, the iPhone 14 Pro's video capabilities have become a staple on my channel.

2. Ricoh GR IIIx - My Trusty Companion

For more specialized shots, I carry the Ricoh GR IIIx. This compact camera features a 40mm equivalent lens and a 24MP APS-C sensor, making it perfect for capturing high-quality images on the go. Its close-up photography capabilities (though not macro) complement the iPhone 14 Pro nicely, allowing me to get 90% of the shots I want with these two cameras.

3. Essential Accessories

In addition to my cameras, there are a few accessories that I always carry with me:

  • AirPod Pros: Perfect for tuning out the world and enjoying some music or a podcast while I'm out taking photos.

  • Battery pack: A must-have for keeping my iPhone charged during long photography sessions.

  • SD card reader: While the Ricoh GR IIIx has wireless capabilities, transferring files with a card reader is just faster and more convenient.

4. Occasional Gear

Depending on the situation, I might also bring along some additional equipment. This versatile setup allows me to mount my phone or camera to almost anything, making it an excellent substitute for a tripod. With this mobile rig, I can take long exposure shots, group photos, or selfies with ease.

5. Storage Solution - PGYTECH Bag

To keep everything organized and protected, I use a compact PGYTECH bag. It has enough space for all my gear, including the Ricoh GR IIIx, battery pack, AirPods, and mobile rig. The bag's design ensures that I can easily access my equipment and keep it safe while on the move.

So, that's a peek into my mobile photography everyday carry kit. It has revolutionized the way I capture and share my experiences, and I hope it inspires you to explore your own mobile photography journey. I'd love to hear about your mobile photography kit and what gear you carry daily. Let's chat in the comments!

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