FujiFilm X-T5 First Impressions

This past week marks a pivotal moment in my photography journey – I've had the joy of embracing the Fujifilm X-T5 as my new everyday carry camera. And let me tell you, it's been an absolute blast.

For years, my trusty Sony A7R2 had been my go-to camera. It's the one that revolutionized my approach to photography, a true game-changer that rarely left my side. But as much as I adored it, and my Sony A6400, their reliance on RAW files often felt cumbersome. Shooting in JPEG with these cameras just didn't cut it. That's where the Fujifilm XF10 and Ricoh GR3X stepped in, transforming how I approached photography on a personal level. Suddenly, the hassle of editing RAW files for personal projects seemed unnecessary, and frankly, it dampened my enthusiasm for capturing everyday moments.

The Fujifilm X-T5, however, reignited that spark. Opting to shoot in JPEG has streamlined my workflow remarkably. No longer burdened by the need to extensively edit each photo, I've found myself more eager to take this camera everywhere, capturing life's spontaneous and precious moments. And what's fantastic is the ease with which I can transfer these pictures to my phone and share them with loved ones. The JPEGs are so impressive straight out of the camera that they require little to no tweaking.

What truly astounds me about the X-T5 is the quality that emanates from its 40-megapixel sensor. Paired with the Fujinon 16-80mm f4.0 and the compact 27mm F2.8 lens (a 40mm full-frame equivalent, much like the GRX), this camera is a powerhouse. I'm still in awe of the image quality, especially when I bring them into Lightroom. And cropping? A breeze! Unlike with my previous APC cameras, where I hesitated to crop for fear of losing detail, the X-T5 lets me crop without sacrificing image quality.

Now, I'm contemplating my next steps regarding lenses. I'm torn between sticking to prime lenses or expanding into the world of zoom lenses. Particularly tempting is the 50-140mm F2.8 – perfect for travel or capturing my kids' baseball games with that lovely, soft background and sharp subject focus. And let's not forget the 18-300mm optionfrom Tamron. They have never disappointed me with their lenses, and having that zoom range would make the X-T5 an ideal travel companion.

As I continue to explore and familiarize myself with the Fujifilm X-T5, my excitement only grows. This camera isn't just a tool for me; it's a companion on my journey to capture the beauty and spontaneity of everyday life. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me next, and I'm eager to share my experiences and discoveries with all of you.


Spring Photography Adventures


My Return to the World of Photography