Dog Walking & Photos

Today, the Pacific Northwest gifted me with perfect conditions for a photography excursion after weeks of gloom. With my camera bag slung over my shoulder and my faithful dog by my side, I set out to capture the essence of this gray yet dry day. Despite my attempt to travel light with just my Fujifilm X-T5. However I couldn’t resist bring the Ricoh GR3X, and Fujifilm XF10, my penchant for multiple cameras prevailed—each one a tool for weaving unique narratives.

Strolling through the familiar woods, I witnessed the subtle transformation of spring awakening, turning the landscape into a captivating tapestry. These solitary adventures with my dog are precious moments of introspection, allowing me to connect with nature on my terms. Photography, beyond mere imagery, serves as my therapy, offering a sanctuary to clear my mind and find solace in the simple beauty around me. As I reflect on today's journey, I'm reminded that the essence of photography lies not in the pursuit of perfection but in the appreciation of fleeting moments and the exploration of life's unfolding stories.


My Ode to the Fujifilm XF10: Compact, Capable, and Cherished


The Power of Photography in Documenting Life