Yahnny Adolfo San Luis: quit her 9 to 5 to become a sports and travel photographer

For 15 years Yahnny owned her own very stable business, while at the same time building up a sports and travel photography company. Now she lives in Sweden photographing sports, leading travel adventures, advocating for women of color in sports photography, and more. In this episode, Yahnny shares her photography journey, tips for people who want to become professional sports photographers, and a few travel photography tips for anyone using a smartphone to DSLR.

Show notes:

Yahnny’s Website - https://www.yahnnybly.com/

Italy Trip Info - https://www.yahnnybly.com/en/journeys/hidden-gems-of-piemonte-italy

Twitter - https://twitter.com/yahnnysanluis

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yahnny_sanluis

Jay Maisel - https://www.jaymaisel.com

Ara Guler - https://www.araguler.com.tr/

I want you on the show 👉🏾 https://bit.ly/KwameGuest

See the pictures here 👉🏾 https://kwame.me/blog

My gear page - Kwame.me/gear


What should you to do with all your digital pictures 🤷🏾‍♂️


Is Smartphone photography Real Photography?