I Miss Local Day Trips
A neighborhood convenience store.
2020 has hard on a lot of people. Luckily no one in our family has been affected in any major way. I know there are countless stories about people who died too soon due to this horrible virus. Not to mention all the people financially affected in a negative way.
2020 was the first time we didn’t go to Rocky Mountain National Park since moving to Colorado. In the pre covid years, most weekends we would explore a new state park or area in Colorado. These little day outing were great because we got to explore and have fun but also feel like a get away without having to actually getting away. They were more than enough to break up the routine of the week. Other than a camping trip we didn’t get in the normal weekend exploration that we would typically do.
The last few weeks the mondaine routine was really getting to me when I realized how much I missed those day trips. Not only to get out of the house and break up the routine but from a creative stand point. Going on these day outing was a great way to capture new images and video. I was able to fulfill the creative itch on a regular basis and in different locations. Being stuck in the house for so long one can only do so many product, still life, family or other types of pictures. For me I love to explore with my camera and seeing what I can capture. I love looking through new images, editing them and sharing them with the world.
With vaccines rolling out I’m hopeful we will be back to exploring again. I look forward to getting back to the hunt of capturing the “perfect” picture.
Field Trip: New York 2019
New York really is the city that never sleeps.
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Field Trip: Senegal
I've been on vacation in Senegal, one of my favorite places in the world. I got back from the trip a few weeks ago with a ton of photos and decided to share them rather then keeping them in my Lightroom library. We also went to The Museum Of Black Civilization, which you can see here.