Field Trip Kwame Johnson Field Trip Kwame Johnson

Field Trip: Senegal

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I've been on vacation in Senegal, one of my favorite places in the world. I got back from the trip a few weeks ago with a ton of photos and decided to share them rather then keeping them in my Lightroom library. We also went to The Museum Of Black Civilization, which you can see here.


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Siki Hotel - Saint-Louis

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Field Guide Kwame Johnson Field Guide Kwame Johnson

Field Trip: The Museum Of Black Civilization - Dakar Senegal

The Museum of Black Civilizations, known in French as the Musée des Civilisations noires (MCN), is a 150,000-square-foot, circular structure, modeled after the traditional houses of Senegal’s Casamance region. The opening of the museum is particularly timely given increased discussions about the repatriation of African artifacts looted during colonial times which are currently scattered across museums and private collections in Europe. 


We got there the day it opened to the public.

The underlying idea for the museum is to document and celebrate artifacts from global black civilizations. As such, the museum’s catalog is unlikely to be exclusively African. Indeed, the first temporary exhibitions at the museum will feature artworks from Cuba and Haiti.

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