Field Trip Kwame Johnson Field Trip Kwame Johnson

Yellowstone National Turns 150 Years Old

The first national park in the country turns 150 years old. In 2019 our family spent four days camping in Yellowstone. I instantly knew one trip would not be enough time to explore the park.

Here are a few images from that trip. I know I will have to go back to explore more.

National Geographic Magazine has an amazing article sharing some of their favorite pictures through the years.

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Landscape Kwame Johnson Landscape Kwame Johnson

Field Trip: Arches National Park

Arches National Park is an amazing park. It’s very cool to see these stone structures that were built over hundreds of years from wind and water. We went in the afternoon to avoid the massive lines that can build up during the day. The one problem they have is the lack of parking. Due to our limited time we decided to skip Delicate Arch, probably the most famous one. To see these stone structures made from nature was awesome. The crazy part is at some point they will deteriorate to a point where they will collapse.

There other amazing non arch structures to stop at.

We actually decided to hike the Skyline trail. At the end there was a 45 degree trail up a rock face we decided to try. Once we got to the top it was breathtaking. I would highly recommend that hike if your able to make it.

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