October Photography Challenge: Join Me on This Creative Journey

I’m excited to share something I've been thinking about for a while—a personal challenge to grow as a photographer. Lately, I’ve noticed that complacency has started to creep into my photography, and like with any skill, the more comfortable you get, the more stagnant your progress can feel. Whether it’s photography, golf, or juggling, if you're not actively challenging yourself, things can start to feel a bit stale.

Even though I’ve had some amazing trips this year—Alaska, Hawaii, and exploring around Washington and Oregon—I’ve realized that to truly improve, I need to step outside my comfort zone. So, I’ve decided to embark on a daily photography challenge for the month of October. And I want to invite you to join me on this journey!

What Is the Challenge?

The challenge is simple: every day, I’ll take a picture and journal about why I took it. This isn't about perfection; it's about building a habit, understanding the "why" behind each shot, and pushing myself creatively. It could be anything—a snapshot of my dog Pixel, the way the light beams through the trees in my backyard, or something completely unexpected. The key is to be intentional and reflective about the images I capture.

Why Daily Photography?

We often think we don’t have time for photography, especially if we’re juggling work, family, and other responsibilities. But photography doesn’t have to be about creating perfect images—it’s about documenting life, our experiences, and the world around us. It’s a way of leaving a personal legacy, one that says, “I was here.”

By taking the time to reflect on why we capture certain moments, we deepen our connection to the art form. It's not just about snapping a photo and moving on; it’s about understanding what drew us to that scene, what makes it significant, and how we see the world through our lens. Whether you're using your phone or a high-end camera, the challenge is to find meaning in your daily photography.

The Rules (Or Lack Thereof)

One key rule I’ve set for myself is variety—no two pictures should feel the same. So, even if I take a picture of Pixel one day, it needs to be different the next. Maybe one day she’s basking in the sun, and the next, she’s playing with her favorite toy. The idea is to keep things fresh and push myself to find new perspectives, even in familiar subjects.

This isn’t about taking award-winning photos. Some days will be tough, and some will feel effortless. The important thing is that we’re doing it. I’ll be posting my daily pictures and journal entries on my website and Glass (an awesome photo-sharing app for photographers), so if you’re joining the challenge, feel free to drop your links or social profiles in the comments so we can support each other.

Let’s Stop Waiting: Share Your Work Now

I recently had a conversation with another photographer who doesn’t share his work much, and it made me think about the importance of getting our photos out there. We often tell ourselves that our work isn’t good enough, or that we don’t have time to share it. But look at someone like Vivian Maier, whose incredible body of work was only discovered after her death. Why wait? We should share our work now, while we’re here to appreciate the feedback and connections it can bring.

Join the Challenge!

So, are you in? If you want to join me in this October photography challenge, start taking pictures every day and reflect on why each one matters to you. It doesn’t have to be a long journal entry—sometimes a sentence or two will do. The goal is to keep going, learn something new, and connect with fellow photographers along the way.

Leave your social profiles or websites in the comments below, and let’s share this creative journey together. I’m excited to see how this challenge helps me grow as a photographer, and I’d love for you to join me!

Thanks for watching the video, and as always, I appreciate your support. Let’s make October a month of creative exploration. See you out there!


Photography Meets Journaling