You're Kit Lens Is Better Than You Know

I never buy anything based on specs alone. A product is about the holistic experience and pure numbers are never a sign of a successful product. I look for the intangible emotional and experiential connection with the devices I chose to buy.

When I got the Sony A7ii it came with a 28mm-70mm f3.5-5.6 lens. They go for $350 new and under $200 used. It’s not a lens many people buy on it’s own. The only other lens I’ve bought so far is the Samyang 24mm f2.8. However I’ve been very impressed with images I’ve gotten on this lens. I didn't have time to do go anywhere special to test the lens but I have taken many photos of everyday life for the past few months.

I find the focal length perfect for my everyday photography. While the lens if far from perfect I think most people could use this lens for a while before upgrading something else.

*Note: Photos have been process using Aperture like most photos on the blog.

I’ve used it for some client work.


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